Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Icons (from a past life)

I made these a few years ago, and they were already posted on desktop mods site 'michaels mac' (one of the founders of the old resexcellence site, incidentally...)
But I'm posting shots here, because i'm proud of em.. and they were a lot of work..
All 100 % mine-  not inspired or influenced in any way by any other sets out there.. i've seen what happened to others (like hein's icons) and  i guess you have to 'mark yer territory'.
I should point out that the clear ones are NOT mine, i just needed square icons as a template.. and the clear ones of 'musings from mars are just lovely, and well suited for the job...

More shots coming soon, and I'll make them available if there's any interest.....

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