Hey...i don't hate Apple...i really don't.. but sometimes, well...
OK, well, we all know people who think THEIR stuff don't stink, and ya can't tell them anything...
If ya been in Rock and Roll for any length of time ya seen many, many, many...
Well, Apple's kinda like that.. at least in my little experience :)
Can you think of any other OS where when you're copying several thousand music files over, that gives the message 'there was an error' and just STOPS copying... no 'skip this file' or similar.. leaving one to have to, BY HAND, pick through each and Every file! to see what was copied and what was not...
"But they got iTunes" i hear said ... well, it don't sound so good to me..for some reason it seems to take the edge off the sound of everything it plays, at least to me...
If your stuill using OS9, however, this sounds clear and crisp.. you might want to try yourself..
Yes, Virginia, im talkin about Winamp.. there really IS a Winamp that runs on a Mac!!! Don't know anyone else who's ever seen one , however.... and it only runs on OS9 (sigh...)
Winamp for Mac.sit